Dill & Chive Eggs
Day 6 – Six Geese a Laying.
This is a Retro Party Food
- 12 large eggs
- 1 handful of fresh dill (chopped)
- 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise
- ¼ teaspoon of paprika.
1. In a saucepan of hot water boil the eggs for 10 minutes, allow to cool.
2. Peel the shells off the eggs and cut them in half, lengthwise.
3. Use a teaspoon to remove the egg yolks into a bowl.
4. Arrange the whites on a platter and cover with cling film.
5. Use a fork to mash the egg yolks and add the mayonnaise, and dill, season with salt and pepper.
6. You can spoon the mix back into the hollow in the egg whites or use a piping bag and pipe it in, sprinkle with paprika and finish with a sprig of dill.
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All recipes are created by Frances Buckley MSc.
Licenced food safety trainer. MSc in Applied Culinary Nutrition.
Currently Technical Food Advisor at Coeliac Society of Ireland.
Recipe Developed By