No Breadcrumb Sausage Stuffing
- 500g of cold mashed potatoes
- 250g of gluten free sausage meat or use gluten free sausages with skins removed
- 2 sprigs of thyme
- 3 fresh sage leaves
- Handful of shelled unsalted pistachio nuts(optional)
- 1 medium onion (peeled and diced)
- 1 teaspoon of redcurrant jelly
- Knob of butter
- 3 streaky rashers
- Cracked black pepper
1. Melt the butter and cook the diced onion on a low heat to soften it but not colour it, stir in the redcurrant jelly and allow to cool completely. Preheat your oven to 170◦c.
2. In a large bowl thoroughly mix the potato, sausage meat, cold cooked onion, pistachios, cracked black pepper, chopped thyme and sage leaves.
3. Take a loaf tin and brush it lightly with vegetable oil. Spoon the sausage and potato mix into the oiled tin and press it down firmly with the back of a spoon.
4. Lay the streaky rashers across the top of the mix and press down
5. Cover the loaf tin with a layer of baking parchment and then a layer of foil,
make sure this is sealed around the edges.
6. Place the loaf tin in a roasting tray and add boiling water to about 1inch high in the tray. Put into the preheated oven for 45 mins, add more water to the tray if needed.
7. Remove the foil and parchment and cook for another 15 mins to brown the bacon.
8. If you are making this in advance allow to cool completely before freezing, I can be frozen in the tin or taken out and frozen.
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All recipes are created by Frances Buckley MSc.
Licenced food safety trainer. MSc in Applied Culinary Nutrition.
Currently Technical Food Advisor at Coeliac Society of Ireland.
Recipe Developed By