Patatas Bravas
- Around 1 kg baby potatoes
- 3-4 tbsp. Olive oil
- Salt
- 1 tin chopped tomatoes
- 1 small onion, finely diced 1tsp garlic powder
- 1tsp smoked paprika
- Gluten free Hot sauce, to taste
- 100g Irish Yogurts Clonakilty Half Fat Crème fraîche
- Fresh parsley
- Preheat your oven to 180C fan.
- Chop your potatoes into 2cm cubes and place evenly spaced out on a tray.
- Cover your potatoes in olive oil and toss so the potatoes are evenly coated.
- Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes, turning at least once, until the potatoes are golden brown and a knife can be inserted and removed easily.
- In the meantime, sweat your onion in a saucepan with a little olive oil for 2-3 minutes
- Add in your chopped tomatoes, garlic powder, paprika and hot sauce. Simmer on a medium heat for 10 minutes.
- Once the potatoes are cooked, remove from the oven and salt generously.
- Serve the potatoes covered in a generous serving of your spicy tomato sauce and a large dollop of crème fraiche, top with some freshly cut parsley
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All recipes are created by Frances Buckley MSc.
Licenced food safety trainer. MSc in Applied Culinary Nutrition.
Currently Technical Food Advisor at Coeliac Society of Ireland.
Recipe Developed By