Have You Had Your Annual Checkup?
Most people when diagnosed with coeliac disease see a dietitian and a gastroenterologist and are then discharged to the care of their GP.
Once you’ve gotten to grips with your coeliac disease diagnosis, you may think there’s no need for further check-ups. While sticking to a gluten free diet by following the Coeliac Society Food List is the best way to ensure you stay healthy, an annual check-up is also advised.
The purpose of this check-up is to make sure your body is absorbing the essential nutrients needed to stay healthy. It also helps determine no gluten is sneaking into your diet, not everyone diagnosed as coeliac has symptoms when they accidentally eat gluten.
Your GP will check the following bloods:
- Antibodies (against tissue transglutaminase, tTG or endomysial antigen, EmA)
- Full blood count
- Iron /TIBC (or ferritin)
- Folic Acid (referable red-cell rather than serum)
- Vitamin B12
- 25-OH-VitD
Checklist to staying healthy
- Keep your membership to the Coeliac Society up to date. The Food List is just one of the benefits of membership. As an active member you’ll have access to our phone support team, regular food updates, a monthly e-zine plus much more.
- Book an appointment with your GP for an annual blood test today. Make this a regular fixture in your calendar.